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Prensa méd. argent ; 109(4): 166-168, 20230000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1512372


La vasculitis leucocitoclástica, también denominada angeitis cutánea leucocitoclástica, es la forma más común de vasculitis. Si bien la mayoría de los casos son idiopáticos, entre los agentes etiológicos que podemos nombrar se encuentran los agentes infecciosos, las enfermedades del tejido conectivos, las reacciones de hipersensibilidad a medicamentos y las neoplasias solidas o hematológicas. Si bien los procesos infecciosos son una causa conocida de vasculitis leucocitoclástica, la infección por virus de Virus de hepatitis B (VHB) es muy infrecuente. Presentamos una mujer de 47 años, sin antecedentes patológicos previos, que consultó por artralgias en rodillas y tobillos, mialgias en gemelos y rash purpúrico con leve prurito en ambos miembros inferiores, de un mes de evolución. La biopsia cutánea de las lesiones de miembros inferiores fue compatible con vasculitis leucocitoclástica. La serología de hepatitis B fue positiva por lo que inició tratamiento antiviral con Tenofovir y Prednisona con buena evolución de sus lesiones cutáneas

Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, also called leukocytoclastic cutaneous angiitis, is the most common form of vasculitis. Although most cases are idiopathic, etiologic agents include infectious agents, connective tissue diseases, drug hypersensitivity reactions, and solid or hematologic malignancies. Although infectious processes are a known cause of leukocytoclastic vasculitis, hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is very rare. We present a 47-year-old woman, with no previous pathologic history, who consulted for arthralgias in the knees and ankles, myalgia's and purpuric rash with mild pruritus in both lower limbs, of one month evolution. Skin biopsy of lower extremity lesions was compatible with leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Hepatitis B serology was positive, so she started antiviral treatment with tenofovir and prednisone with good evolution of her skin lesions

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Vasculitis/therapy , Vasculitis, Leukocytoclastic, Cutaneous/therapy , Hepatitis B/therapy
Actual. SIDA. infectol ; 24(90): 2-10, 20160000. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1531714


El ácido all-transretinoico (ATRA) es uno de los mayores avan-ces en el tratamiento de las leucemias promielocíticas agudas (LPA). Con el uso asociado de quimioterapia y corticoides hacen de ésta leu-cemia las de mejor pronóstico hematológico con altas tasas de cu-ración. El ATRA es generalmente bien tolerado pero puede presen-tar efectos adversos sistémicos, englobados dentro del denominado sindrome ATRA (SATRA), o efectos directos gastrointestinales y mu-cocutáneos tales como las úlceras escrotales, transitorias y de buena respuesta clínica, tratándose de una entidad diferente al SATRA con presencia de vasculitis en el estudio anatomopatológico. En la revisión que realizáramos, hemos detectado 44 casos reportados en la literatu-ra a los que hemos agregado, en el siguiente documento, seis pacientes evaluados en nuestra institución con úlceras genitales asociadas al uso de ATRA, cuatro de ellos con presencia de vasculitis como lesión histo-lógica y un paciente con diagnóstico de síndrome Sweet

All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) is one of the greatest advances in the treatment of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. The combination of all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA), chemotherapy and corticoids has made acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) a highly curable leukemia. The ATRA is generally well tolerated. Adverse effects, include ATRA syndrome (SATRA), and the gastrointestinal and mucocutaneous side effects, such us scrotal ulcers, wich are transitory and with a good clinical response. They are a different entity to SATRA, and presents vasculitis in the histological study. Of our knowledge, 44 cases were reported in the literature, we present the following document with six patients evaluated at our institution with genital ulcers associated with ATRA, four of them present vasculitis in pathological study, and one patient Sweet ́s Syndrome

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Scrotum/injuries , Tretinoin/therapeutic use , Vasculitis/therapy , Leukemia, Promyelocytic, Acute/therapy , Genitalia/injuries
J. vasc. bras ; 13(3): 217-228, Jul-Sep/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-727130


Pulmonary artery aneurysms (PAAs) are the most common type of pulmonary involvement in Behçet's disease. However, the relationships between clinical features and prognosis have not been sufficiently evaluated. This article describes the results of a comprehensive review, revealing that PAAs have a predilection for hemoptysis manifestations, increased dimensions, right lower lobar location, multiplicity and concurrent intramural thrombus formation. Surgical intervention was needed in one third of patients. Patients with massive hemoptysis and PAA rupture warranted emergency operations. Conservatively treated patients were prone to PAA progression; interventional embolization was associated with higher risks of recurrence and reintervention for PAAs; and surgically treated patients exhibited the highest mortality rates. In conclusion, PAAs in Behçet's disease are characterized by a predilection for hemoptysis manifestations, right lower lobar location, multiplicity, and concurrent intramural thrombus formation. Both the condition itself and the surgical operations it warrants are linked with high mortality due to PAA hemorrhage...

Os aneurismas das artérias pulmonares (PAA) são as manifestações mais comuns dos pulmões na doença de Behçet. No entanto, as relações entre as características clínicas e o prognóstico ainda não foram devidamente explicadas. O objetivo do presente artigo foi fazer uma ampla revisão da literatura sobre esta questão. As fontes de dados contaram com uma ampla revisão bibliográfica dos anos de 1990 a 2013, sobre os seguintes temas: doença de Behçet, síndrome de Hughes-Stovin, aneurisma de artéria pulmonar e pseudoaneurisma da artéria pulmonar. Os PAA evoluíram com predileção por hemoptise, aumento de dimensões, localização no lobo inferior direito, multiplicidade e formação de trombo intramural. A intervenção cirúrgica foi necessária em um terço dos pacientes. O tratamento cirúrgico emergencial foi indicado na vigência de ruptura do PAA e de hemoptise maciça. Os pacientes tratados conservadoramente evoluíram com propensão para a progressão do PAA. A embolização dos PAA foi associada a uma taxa maior de recidiva e de reintervenção. Houve diferença significativa entre os grupos quanto às taxas de mortalidade, tendo o grupo do tratamento cirúrgico apresentado a maior taxa. Dentre as variáveis citadas, a hemoptise, o envolvimento da artéria lobar e a ruptura do PAA foram fatores preditivos de maior risco de mortalidade. Houve diferenças significativas nas taxas de mortalidade entre os pacientes cirúrgicos e intervencionistas, e entre os três grupos de pacientes: cirúrgico, intervencionista e conservador. Os pacientes tiveram uma sobrevida global de 61,7% em um seguimento médio de 22,5 meses. Os PAA, na doença de Behçet, apresentaram as seguintes predileções: tendência a hemoptise, multiplicidade, localização no lobo inferior direito e presença de trombos intramurais. As rupturas e hemorragias dos PAA, aliadas ao necessário tratamento cirúrgico emergencial, resultaram no aumento de mortalidade destes pacientes...

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Pulmonary Artery/pathology , Aneurysm, False , Behcet Syndrome/complications , Databases, Bibliographic , Embolization, Therapeutic/methods , Hemoptysis/therapy , Vasculitis/therapy
Pulmäo RJ ; 23(2): 32-36, 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-727913


A extensa rede vascular pulmonar e brônquica, associada à grande quantidade de células imunocompetentes, torna os pulmões importante alvo de vasculites imunomediadas. O envolvimento destes vasos sanguíneos pode provocar qualquer sintoma respiratório, dependendo do tipo, local e extensão da lesão no sistema vascular respiratório. Algumas situações ameaçadoras da vida podem resultar, abrindo ou acompanhando o quadro destas patologias e, se não prontamente identificadas e tratadas, podem resultar em risco elevado de morbimortalidade. Destacamos duas destas condições especiais - estenoses de grande vias aéreas e hemorragia alveolar disusa - e descrevemos seus aspectos fisiopatológicos, clínicos e terapêuticos

The extensive pulmonary and bronchial vascular system, associated to large amount of immunocompetent cells, makes the respiratory system an important target of immune mediated vasculitis. These blood vessels involvement can cause any respiratory symptoms, depending on the type, location, and degree of lesion in the pulmonary vascular system. Some life-thereatening conditions may ensue, opening or following the course of those deseases and, if not identified and treated promptly, result in increased risk of morbitidy and mortality. We highlight two of those special situations: large airway stenosis and diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, describing their pathophysiological clinical and therapeutic aspects

Humans , Male , Female , Tracheal Stenosis/physiopathology , Tracheal Stenosis/therapy , Vasculitis/diagnosis , Vasculitis/physiopathology , Vasculitis/therapy , Lung Diseases
Pulmäo RJ ; 23(2): 27-31, 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-727914


Muitas vasculites sistêmicas acometem o trato respiratório. O acometimento mais frequente é o do parênquima pulmonar pelas vasculites de pequenos vasos ANCA associadas (antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies), que incluem a granulomatose com poliangite (GPA, antiga granulomatose de Wegener), a poliangite microscópica (MPA), granulomatose eosinofílica com poliangite (EGPA, antiga doença de Churg-Strauss). Este artigo propõe-se a revisar o tratamento dessas doenças de acordo com recomendações da liga europeia de combate ao reumatismo (EULAR), com base no estádio e na atividade de doença, incluindo as terapia usadas na indução e na manutenção de remissão, assim como nos casos refratários ao tratamento convencional

There are many vasculitis that affect the respiratory tract. The pulmonary parenchyma is the most frequently involved and occurs mainly in ANCA associated small vessel vasculitis (antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies), which include granulomatosis with polyangitis (GPA, formely Wegener's granulomatosis), microscopic polyangitis (MPA), eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis (EGPA formely Churg-Strauss Syndrome). This article reviews the treatment of them, according to EULAR (European League Against Rheumatism) recommendations, which are based on stage and severity of disease, including induction and maintance therapy, and therapy of refractory disease

Humans , Male , Female , Antibodies, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic/therapeutic use , Vasculitis/therapy , Lung Diseases
Pulmäo RJ ; 23(2): 4-8, 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-727918


Vasculites pulmonares são doenças raras, mas com grande possibilidade de produzir morbimortalidade nos indivíduos acometidos, não somente pela sua potencial gravidade multisistêmica, mas também por seu diagnóstico geralmente tardio. A identificação de padrões de doença que remetem a estes diagnósticos e a utilização de novos meios de investigação - incluindo ANCA (anticorpo antineutrofílico citoplasmático), reconhecendo suas vantagens e limitações - são importantes, se quisermos utilizar o moderno arsenal terapêutico da forma adequada e com sucesso. Atenção às resultantes clínicas é fundamental no acompanhamento de longo curso destes pacientes

Pulmonary vasculitis are rare illnesses, although possessing substantial morbi-mortality in affected individuals, not only due to its multisystemic nature, but also because of commonly delayed diagnosis. Disease pattern recognition that remind us of that group of diseases, and the use of modern investigation methods - including ANCA (anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies), with the knowledge of its pros and cons, are key features if the state of the art therapeutic modalities are to be properly used with success. Attention to clinical outcomes is fundamental in the long range management of these patients

Humans , Male , Female , Antibodies, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic , Vasculitis/diagnosis , Vasculitis/therapy , Lung Diseases
Arch. venez. pueric. pediatr ; 74(4): 154-158, dic. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-659191


Vasculitis es la inflamación de vasos sanguíneos, con isquemia, necrosis y compromiso sistémico. se describe el manejo multidisciplinario de niña de 4 meses quien ingresó al hospital universitario de Maracaibo con fiebre, diarrea, deshidratación, consciente, con períodos de somnolencia, abdomen distendido, ausencia de ruidos hidroaéreos. Posteriormente presenta convulsión, deterioro del estado general, lesiones eritematosas múltiples y en rodetes gingivales, de color blanco parduzco, necróticas, manifestaciones de shock séptico. Antecedente de ingestión de n-butilbromuro de hioscina. laboratorio: anemia, leucocitosis, proteína c reactiva elevada, cultivos negativos. Biopsia del rodete gingival: vasos sanguíneos con paredes infiltradas por células inflamatoriasmononucleares y polimorfonucleares dispersas y necróticas, destrucción y oclusión del endotelio, confirmando la vasculitis gingival. Recibió antibioticoterapia, soporte hemodinámico, cirugía de zonas necrosadas. egresó a los 15 días con diagnóstico de vasculitis gingival por sepsis de origen enteral. el manejo interdisciplinario médico-odontológico facilita la resolución de situaciones generales con compromiso bucodental

Vasculitis is the inflammation of blood vessels, with ischemia, necrosis and systemic involvement. this paper describes the multidisciplinary management of a 4 month old female infant that was admitted to the hospital universitario de Maracaibo with fever,diarrhea, dehydration, periods of somnolence, distended abdomen, and absence of bowel sounds. later, the patient presented seizures, deterioration of her general condition, multiple erythematous and brownish white, necrotic lesions of the gingival border mucosa, and septic shock manifestations. the patient had a history of ingestion of n-butylbromid hyoscine. laboratory tests: anemia, leukocytosis,elevated c-reactive protein, negative cultures, biopsy of the gingival border: blood vessel walls infiltrated by scattered and necrotic polymorphonuclear and mononuclear inflammatory cells, destruction and occlusion of the endothelium confirming gingival vasculitis. treatment included antibiotics, surgery of necrotic areas and hemodynamic support. she was discharged after 15 days with the diagnosis of gingival vasculitis secondary to enteral sepsis. Medical and dentistry interdisciplinary management facilitates the resolution of generalsituations with oral involvement

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Vasculitis/etiology , Vasculitis/therapy , Pediatrics
Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 18(7): 682-683, nov. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-654095


Se presenta una paciente con granulomatosis de Wegener en su forma localizada y se efectúa una actualización de las manifestaciones clínicas, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis/diagnosis , Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis/pathology , Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis/therapy , Vasculitis/diagnosis , Vasculitis/pathology , Vasculitis/therapy
Brasília méd ; 45(2): 135-137, 2008. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-527851


Livedoid vasculopathy is reported in a 38-year-old white female, who first presented with spontaneous skin lesions in the left ankle, at 17 years old. For the last fifteen years she used low-dose oral contraceptive (gestodene and ethinylestradiol) and persisted asymptomatic for a long period. Nevertheless, painful red papules and dark spots reappeared in the same area and progressed to an intensely tender and irregular shallow ulcer, during summer. Skin biopsy samples showed dermal vessels with subintimal fibrinoid necrosis and intraluminal thrombosis, without clear inflammation. Cutaneous lesions have improved faster after topical betamethasone was added to treatment. Data from the present case suggests a drug-associated livedoid vasculopathy.

Relata-se caso de vasculopatia livedóide em uma mulher branca de 38 anos, que inicialmente apresentou lesões cutâneas espontâneas no tornozelo esquerdo aos 17 anos de idade. Durante os últimos quinze anos, fez uso de contraceptivos orais (gestodene e etinilestradiol). Permaneceu assintomática por longo período; entretanto, no último verão, pápulas avermelhadas dolorosas e manchas escuras reapareceram na mesma área e formaram uma úlcera rasa irregular intensamente dolorosa. O exame das amostras da biópsia de pele mostrou vasos dérmicos com necrose fibrinóide e trombose intraluminar, sem reação inflamatória. As lesões cutâneas apresentaram cicatrização mais rápida após acréscimo de betametasona tópica ao esquema terapêutico. Os dados do presente caso sugerem vasculopatia livedóide associada ao uso de droga.

Humans , Female , Adult , Contraceptives, Oral , Vasculitis/complications , Vasculitis/etiology , Vasculitis/therapy , Leg Ulcer/etiology
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 79(3)jul.-sep. 2007. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-489389


La púrpura de Schönlein-Henoch es la vasculitis más común en la infancia y su diagnóstico es mayormente clínico. Describimos el comportamiento de esta enfermedad según variables clínico- terapéuticas. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo de los pacientes con diagnóstico de púrpura de Schõnlein-Henoch en un período de 4 años. Se utilizó como fuente de información las historias clínicas y se confeccionó una guía de recolección de información que contenía las variables estudiadas. La afección fue más frecuente en el grupo etario de 5 a 9 años. El 50 por cientode los pacientes padeció infecciones virales antes del comienzo de la enfermedad. En la mayoría de ellos se encontró la tríada clásica de rash, dolor abdominal y artritis. El 95,3 por ciento de los pacientes tuvo una evolución satisfactoria con tratamiento sintomático.

Schonlein-Henoch purpura is the most common infantile vasculitis and is mostly clinically diagnosed. A retrospective descriptive study of patients with Scholein-Henoch purpura diagnosis was conducted for 4 years. The source of information was medical records and a data gathering guide containing the studied variables was used. The behaviour of this disease according to clinical and therapeutic variables was described. The disease was often seen in 5-9 years-old group. Fifty percent of patients suffered viral infections before the onset of disease. The majority of them presented with classical triade of rash, abdominal pain and arthritis. Of the total number, 95,3percent of cases recovered satisfactorily with symptomatic treatment.

Humans , Child , Vasculitis/diagnosis , Vasculitis/therapy
Saudi Medical Journal. 2006; 27 (8): 1105-1115
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-80875


Inflammation of blood vessels, or vasculitis, is caused by a heterogenous group of autoimmune conditions with wide spectrum of systemic, and often overlapping, clinical manifestations. Some of these conditions present acutely and result in major organ's damage and, therefore, require prompt diagnosis and treatment in order to avoid the high morbidity and mortality that otherwise occur. The clinical immunology laboratory plays a vital role in the diagnosis of vasculitis. Moreover, due to the availability of simple tests, with quick turn around time, immunological findings can provide an early picture of the type of vasculitis involved thereby allowing initiation of prompt treatment in life threatening situations. In the present review, we will outline the various tests available in the immunology laboratory for the investigation of vasculitides, discuss the assays used to carry out these tests and, finally, comment on the significance of the results produced in relation to the diagnosis, or exclusion, of vasculitis. We hope that such information would prove of great importance to physicians and immunologists alike and lead to more efficient diagnosis of these important and, often, life threatening conditions

Humans , Vasculitis/immunology , Vasculitis/therapy , Immunologic Tests/methods , Antibodies, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic , Cryoglobulins
Rev. chil. med. intensiv ; 20(4): 239-243, 2005. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-428629


Pulmonary-renal syndrome (PRS) is a combination of diffuse pulmonary haemorrhage and glomerulonephritis it's not a single entity and is caused by a variety of conditions and pathogenic mechanisms; the majority of cases of PRS are associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA). The final diagnosis rests on a balance of clinical, laboratory, radiological and histological features. The exclusion of alternative diagnoses is important in assuring appropriate therapy. In patients in Intensive Care Unit it's describe a high morbility and mortality; because of that need early diagnosis and treatment. We present a 48-year-old woman with history of vasculitis ANCA-MPO (+) admitted in respiratory distress and renal failure.

Adult , Humans , Female , Vasculitis/diagnosis , Vasculitis/therapy , Cyclophosphamide/therapeutic use , Glomerulonephritis/etiology , Hemorrhage/etiology , Respiratory Insufficiency/etiology , Methylprednisolone/therapeutic use , Kidney Diseases/etiology , Lung Diseases/etiology , Syndrome , Vasculitis/classification
São Paulo; Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Reumatologia; 2002. 825 p. ilus.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS, SMS-SP, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: biblio-997273
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 112(2): 36-43, 1999. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-248869


Se analiza el papel preponderante que juega en la medicina actual la valoración del lecho microcirculatorio en varias patologías. Se hace un repaso de los métodos de diágnostico disponibles. Se presenta una clasificación clínica de Acrosíndromes.

Humans , Blood Gas Analysis/methods , Clinical Diagnosis , Hemorheology , Microcirculation/pathology , Raynaud Disease/diagnosis , Raynaud Disease/therapy , Vasculitis/classification , Vasculitis/diagnosis , Vasculitis/therapy , Diabetic Angiopathies/physiopathology , Cyanosis/classification , Diabetic Foot , Erythema Induratum , Erythema Nodosum , Skin Diseases, Vascular , Thromboangiitis Obliterans/therapy
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 96(4): 268-71, ago. 1998. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-225511


La vasculitis hialinizante segmentaria(atrofia blanca)es una forma de livedo reticular con episodios de úlceras que dejan áreas atróficas rodeadas con halos telangiectásicos pigmentados.Se presenta generalmente en mujeres de mediana edad.Nosotros describimos una niña de 12 años con vasculitis hialinizante segmentaria.La inusual presentación de esta entidad nos motivó a la publicación de este caso

Adolescent , Pigmentation Disorders , Thrombosis/diagnosis , Thrombosis/therapy , Vasculitis/diagnosis , Vasculitis/therapy
Rev. bras. alergia imunopatol ; 21(4): 128-38, jul.-ago. 1998. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-225976


Objetivo: Revisao bibliográfica referente à patogênese, classificaçao, aspectos clínicos, diagnóstico e tratamento das formas mais comuns de vasculites. Métodos: As características das síndromes vasculíticas, os indícios de sua presença e os critérios diagnósticos das diversas doenças sao descritos e comparados. Resultados: Sao comentados os relatos da literatura internacional sobre as síndromes vasculíticas, de tal modo a auxiliar na melhor abordagem diagnóstica e manejo das doenças. Conclusoes: O desafio para o clínico é estabelecer o diagnóstico correto das vasculites e utilizar a droga mais apropriada capaz de suprimir a doença, visando os menores efeitos colaterais.

Vasculitis/classification , Vasculitis/diagnosis , Vasculitis/therapy , Vasculitis/etiology , Blood Vessels/injuries